; Stromma - Certification as a sustainable partner

Stromma – a certified Sustainable Partner of VisitBerlin 


Stromma - a company with its environmental impact in focus 

Stromma’s vision is to offer the customers first-class experiences and to do so as becoming more environmentally conscious. Therefor, we focus daily on including the Sustainable Development Goals stated by the United Nations to our daily work. 

Not only do we work on a daily basis on this goal, but also after months of preparations, we can proudly announce that we are certified as a Sustainable Partner of VisitBerlin. We had our audit last week and received the certification as a sustainable partner. You can find our article in the following website - Sustainable Meetings Berlin

What is Sustainable Meetings Berlin (SMB) 

Since the city of Berlin aims to become one of the most sustainable cities by 2023, the senate together with VisitBerlin are promoting the certification named Sustainable Meetings Berlin (SMB) which is to proof which global goals and to what extent are fulfilled. The sustainable goals are classified in four pillars: 1. Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) 2. Environment 3. Society and Social 4. Economy

Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) 

Stromma is determined to include the Sustainable Global Goals to our daily work, so we issue yearly our sustainability Report where our improvements towards a better environment are summarised. In the Sustainability Report for 2019, you can find the use and origin of our resources.

You can also read about Stromma´s sustainable goals

Besides that, we have included a code of conduct in order to standarise how our employees should act regarding equality, data protection amongst others, for this codex reflects our values and the core of our services.  


On a constant work towards the reduction of pollutants and misuse of natural resources, we, at Stromma, do our part to minimise our impact on the environment by including buses that comply with the Euro 6 standard limiting the amount of chemicals produced when driving. We plan in advance how many of our vehicles will be used to limit the consumption of fuel and minimise the air pollution produced.  Moreover, the design of our buses allows us to convert our internal combustion motor into an electric motor.  

Brochures is a promotion material useful for our customers . We are aware of the natural resources used in the production of these, so we decided to use recycled paper and to minimise the weight of the paper employing less material.  

Society and Social  

Our employees are the gist of the company, so we invest in our team. Each team member has the right to be respected, treated and paid equally regardless of religion, sexual orientation or country of origin. This allows us to welcome a wider range of team members who offer unlimited ways and ideas to improve our work and services as a reliable company. Each team member has the possibility to develop a working method that suits them better as well as having a flexible schedule management that permits our employees take care of their families without leaving their responsabilites aside.

Investing in our team means that each team member has the right to make questions, get further education and give feedback. We also actively open the conversation and ask how they feel, what problems they are having and offer a room to discuss about ways to improve our team environment.  

With a strong sense of social responsibility, we work together with the USE Unionhilfswerk who produce the brochures and clothing for our team. The union supports the rehabilitation and education of persons with different kind of disabilities who develop their skills in different areas such as printing and media, handwork, cleaning, gardening, manufacture, catering and more.  

Read more about the USE Unionhilfswerk 


We continuously work towards improving our performance by having a structured and controlled use of our resources minimising unnecessary emissions and solid waste. Similarly, we opt for partners and products whose mindset regarding sustainability reflects ours as the USE Unionhilfswerk.  

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