; Hop on hop off Berlin bus | Routes, GPS map & timetable

GPS map - Hop On - Hop Off Bus Berlin

Bus routes, departure points and timetable

Where do I find the Hop On – Hop Off Bus stops?

Here, you can read about the length of Stromma Hop On - Hop Off Sightseeing tours, see our timetable for the bus stops on our GPS live map. 

Click on the pennants for information about the bus stops. 

How long is the Hop On – Hop Off tour?

The Line 1 is a 2-hour round trip that takes you to the main and most astonishing landmarks in Berlin such as the newly built Berlin Palace, Museum Island, Brandenburg Gate, the shopping boulevard Kurfürstendamm among other great.

The Line 2, in lila, is a 45-minute tour that shows you the East Berlin, the incredible architecture and the 1,3 Km long East Side Gallery.

How many sightseeing tours are there in Berlin?

In Berlin, you can enjoy a Hop On - Hop Off sightseeing tour with the bus, you can take a combination tour such as the Hop On - Hop Off sightseeing tour with the bus and 1-hour boat tour on the Spree River, or even take the Evening Tour.



Stromma Hop On - Hop Off buses drive between 9:30 and 17:00 on a regular basis depending on the bus stop. If you want to know what the first and the last departure at the bus stops are, check out our timetable below.

Bus stops Berlin

  • Line 1
    Every 30 minutes
    Alexanderplatz (ADAC)
    Alexanderstraße 1
    First departure: 09:25
    Last departure: 16:07

    Rotes Rathaus
    First departure: 09:30
    Last departure: 15:46

    Brandenburger Tor (This stop is currently moved to Maddam Tussauds due to the Europe Cup)
    First departure: 10:15
    Last departure: 15:45

    Hauptbahnhof |Central Station
    Washingtonplatz - Ella-Trebe-Straße
    First departure: 10:00
    Last departure: 15:55

    Kurfürstendamm 236
    First departure: 09:30
    Last departure: 15:45

    Checkpoint Charlie
    First departure: 10:05
    Last departure: 15:30

    Line 2
    Every 60 minutes
    Alexanderplatz (ADAC)
    Alexanderstraße 1
    First departure: 10:10
    Last departure: 15:10

    City Spree Cruise (1h)
    Alte Börse: Stop 4, Line 1*
    Departures times:
    *The tour returns to the Alte Börse

    Departures and frequency are approximate. They may change due weather and traffic conditions. 

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