
Terms and Conditions

Stromma Sweden

General Terms and Conditions for Bookings 
These General Terms and Conditions apply between Strömma Turism & Sjöfart AB (hereafter referred to as STS), and anyone entering into an Agreement with STS, whether personally or through agreement third party, (hereafter referred to as the Guest) with STS in accordance with that stated in the written confirmation. The Agreement may relate to travel, purchase of other products and services or a combination of these (the Arrangement) with the following brands: Strömma Kanalbolaget, Stockholm Sightseeing, City Sightseeing, Hop On-Hop Off, Cinderellabåtarna, Birka Vikingastaden, Paddan Sightseeing, Rundan Sightseeing and GoBoat Malmö.

Other terms and conditions apply to private charter of a vessel – please contact STS for further information.

The responsible organiser is Strömma Turism & Sjöfart AB, Svensksundsvägen 19, 111 49 Stockholm. Tel: +46 (0)8 1200 40 00. Company registration no. 556051–5818. VAT registration no. SE5560515818.



As organiser, STS is responsible for the performance of the services under the Agreement. This responsibility also applies to tasks that are to be performed by other parties than STS. Information contained in catalogues, brochures and on the website is binding on STS, although subject to change prior to the Agreement being concluded if a clear reservation has been made and the Guest has been clearly informed of the changes. STS is not liable for claims resulting from printing errors or typos. As organiser, STS is responsible for ensuring that:

-  the Guest receives a written confirmation of their booking, as well as other necessary documentation;

-  information is provided regarding how payment is to be made and that the Guest is informed of any other issues of significance to the Arrangement; and

-  the Arrangement is consistent with the description supplied in the written confirmation. STS cannot be held liable for promises made directly to the Guest by a third party without the knowledge of STS and of which STS is unaware or cannot reasonably be expected to know of.

For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the following terminology applies:

Departure – the date and time at which the Guest departs from the point of departure.

Arrival – the date and time at which the Guest arrives on the completion of their trip.

On-board – when the Guest is on one of STS’ vessels or buses.

We accept bookings online and over the telephone up to one hour before departure. Unspecified, prepaid tickets with an open departure time apply subject to availability. Tickets are redeemed at the ticket terminal in question.

Shore Excursions: ’Money back guarantee’ and ‘Back-to-ship guarantee’
Download the terms and conditions for Shore Excursions as a PDF >>

The Guest must pay for the Arrangement when booking.


The same rules apply for rebooking


1-9 people:

Up to 24 hours prior to departure - free cancellation with full refund


Groups of 10 people or more:

Up to 72 hours prior to departure - free cancellation with full refund

Up to 24 hours prior to departure - free to reduce number of guests (max 50% of total amount of guests currently booked) with full refund for those guests



(excl. New Year Cruise)
The same rules apply for rebooking


1-9 people:

Up to 72 hours prior to departure - free cancellation with full refund

Up to 24 hours prior to departure - free cancellation of 1 guest with full refund


Groups of 10 people or more:

Up to 7 days prior to departure - free cancellation and full refund

Up to 72 hours prior to departure - free to reduce number of guests (max 50% of total amount of guests currently booked) with full refund for those guests

Up to 24 hours prior to departure - free cancellation of 1 guest with full refund (applies to groups of 10-19)

or max 2 guests (applies to groups of 20-29)

or max 3 guests (applies to groups of 30-39)

or max 4 guests (applies to groups of 40-49)

or max 5 guests (applies to groups of 50-59) etc.

GUESTS can cancel via e-mail to STS or to where the booking was made. This also applies outside of our booking department's opening hours. The time when we receive the email is what matters for the cancellation by our terms. When the booking applies to a combination of arrangements (such as a pre-paid package) as sold by STS, the GUEST can cancel individual parts of the arrangement.  


The same rules apply for rebooking


1-9 people:

Up to 72 hours prior to departure - free cancellation with full refund

Up to 24 hours prior to departure - free cancellation of 1 guest with full refund


Groups of 10 people or more:

Up to 60 days prior to departure - free cancellation and full refund

Up to 30 hours prior to departure - free to reduce number of guests (max 50% of total amount of guests currently booked) with full refund for those guests

Up to 24 hours prior to departure - free cancellation of 1 guest with full refund (applies to groups of 10-19)

or max 2 guests (applies to groups of 20-29)

or max 3 guests (applies to groups of 30-39)

or max 4 guests (applies to groups of 40-49)

or max 5 guests (applies to groups of 50-59) etc.

GUESTS can cancel via e-mail to STS or to where the booking was made. This also applies outside of our booking department's opening hours. The time when we receive the email is what matters for the cancellation by our terms. When the booking applies to a combination of arrangements (such as a pre-paid package) as sold by STS, the GUEST can cancel individual parts of the arrangement.  

Changes made by STS and the Guest’s rights, etc.
STS reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of an Arrangement to the extent that the Guest can be offered other equivalent services. If STS incurs increased costs  subsequent to the Agreement becoming binding on the parties, STS reserves the right to increase the price for the Arrangement by an amount equivalent to the increased cost, provided that the increase is a result of increased taxes or other fees relating to services included in the Arrangement.

The price may not be increased during the final 20 days prior to departure. If there is any changes earlier than 20 days before departure it must immediately be notified to the Guest. The price of the Arrangement shall be reduced if STS’ costs are reduced for the same reasons as stated above earlier than 20 days prior to arrival. 

If it proves impossible to provide the Arrangement in accordance with the written confirmation and these General Terms and Conditions, and STS is unable to offer the Guest other equivalent services, the Guest may withdraw from the Agreement. The Guest may also withdraw from the Agreement if the terms and conditions are materially altered to the disadvantage of the Guest. STS shall then refund the sum paid for the booking. Defects arising during the trip should be reported by the Guest on-board, so that STS has the opportunity to rectify these. Otherwise, the Guest’s right to claim for the defect lapses.

Any damages relating to injury covered by the provisions of the Swedish Maritime Code (SFS 1994:1009) will be reimbursed up to the maximum amount stated in said legislation at the time the damage was incurred. It is the responsibility of the Guest to as far as possible limit any damage.

Any liability on the part of STS to pay damages lapses if STS can demonstrate that it was impossible to undertake the Arrangement due to circumstances beyond STS’ control and which STS could not reasonably have been expected to foresee at the time the Agreement was entered into, and the consequences of which STS could not reasonably have avoided or overcome.

The Guest’s obligations
In order to make a booking/enter into an agreement with STS, the Guest must be at least 18 years of age. The Guest bears the sole responsibility for observing any formalities required for undertaking the trip. STS reserves the right to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect if the Guest or anyone in their company behaves disturbingly or causes damage while on-board. In the event of immediate cancellation of the Agreement due to the above causes, STS shall debit the Guest a supplementary fee equivalent to the damage incurred, but no less than SEK 5,000.

The Guest is responsible for providing STS with correct contact information and updating it as and when necessary.

Force majeure
Both parties retain the right to withdraw from the Agreement if the Arrangement cannot be provided due to acts of war, natural disasters, industrial conflict, extended interruptions to water or power supplies, fire, or other similar major events that neither party could have foreseen or influenced.

Personal data
By paying, the Guest gives their consent for their personal data to be processed by STS and/or the insurer providing cancellation insurance.

The purpose of this is to facilitate the usual administration of guests, to ensure that STS has access to reliable personal documentation in the event of accident, to fulfil insurance terms and conditions for cancellation insurance and to administer any claims. Data may also be used to provide information on insurance and payment services and travel-related offers. The Guest may also be contacted for marketing surveys.

The Guest should address any complaints to STS. If the Guest and STS are unable to reach a negotiated settlement, they may turn to the Swedish National Board for Consumer Disputes or the Swedish courts.

The Swedish National Board for Consumer Disputes website is at www.arn.se and their postal address is Box 174, 101 23 Stockholm.


In addition to the above, the following terms & conditions apply to GoBoat Malmö.

Rules related to the boat and to claim for damages:
- Valid ID has to be handed over (e.g. driver’s license or passport).
- The captains (the persons sailing the boat) have to be at least 18 years of age and remain sober throughout the entire duration of the journey (the rental period).
- The GUEST (the person renting the boat) assumes the full responsibility of the boat and all its equipment.
- The GUEST and any potential captains have read and understood the following rules.
- The GUEST has the full responsibility and can be held accountable for the boat and all its equipment during the entire duration of the journey.
- In case of damages to the boat, the engine or other equipment the GUEST is liable for damages of up to SEK 5,000 (EUR ~540).

Rules related to sailing:
- It is the responsibility of the GUEST that the boat is steered in accordance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS).
- It is not allowed to sail beyond the sailing limits marked on the map.
- The boat is never to be left out of sight unless it has been agreed with GoBoat/STS.
- Always keep as much distance as possible to other vehicles on the water.
- We encourage all to wear life jackets during the entire journey. The life jackets are not to be used for bathing.
- It is not allowed to throw trash into the water.
- Waterpipes and other items with open fire are not allowed on board the boats.
- Larger music players and loudly behaviour is not allowed on board the boats.
- Irresponsible behaviour, such as significant consumption of alcohol, is not allowed by any of the persons on board the boats.

Rules related to renting:
- On days with many reservations the GUEST is charged SEK 300 (EUR ~28) for every 15 minutes started beyond the agreed duration of the journey. On days with few reservations and if it is agreed with GoBoat/STS the GUEST is charged the normal hourly rate for every 15 minutes started beyond the agreed duration of the journey.
- It is the responsibility of the GUEST to inform GoBoat/STS if the boat is not back before closing time. Is this not done and GoBoat deem it necessary to start a search for the boat the expenses in connection with this is charged to GoBoat/STS.
- GoBoat/STS is not obliged to cover expenses in case of cancellations due to weather conditions or lack of available boats as a result of theft, damages or the like. Of course, any rent and potential deposit already paid by the renter will be paid back.

- GoBoat/STS can at any time refuse or terminate the rent agreement if the above rules are not followed or if GoBoat/STS deem that it is irresponsible to rent out the boat.

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