As the spring sun arrives your hands are positively itching to get started in the garden. It doesn’t matter if you have a large garden or a small balcony – this is the time to get started to make sure your flowers, berries and greenery are prepared for the summer months! Get inspiration from the most beautiful parks in Stockholm and have a look at our planting checklist.
Spring has finally arrived in Stockholm. Take a moment to enjoy the blossoming gardens at the Bergius Botanic Gardens – some of the flora here are over 100 years old! Stroll through the magnificent gardens to the Italian terrace and Rhododendron Valley and make sure not to miss the magnificent magnolias that blossom early!
Rosendal Gardens are a firm favourite with the locals in Stockholm. It’s located within walking distance of the city and boasts its own herb gardens, gardening shop and a tremendously popular café with lots of intimate tables scattered in the blossoming gardens. In the small shop located next to the cafe you can buy everything from plants and seeds to quirky interior decorations and gardening tools. If you weren’t excited about gardening before visiting here, you will be now!
The Royal Gardens at Ulriksdal Palace Park has hosted a traditional royal park environment where horticulture has had a central role since the 1600s. Since then it has expanded with a garden centre sporting a wide range of plants and pottery. There is a cosy café serving lunch, coffee and cakes which focuses on seasonal produce. During the summer months they also have a pick-it-yourself garden with homegrown vegetables and flowers!
The Royal Gardens at Drottningholm Palace are one of the world-renowned historical sites on UNESCO's World Heritage list. As you stroll through the Royal Gardens you can see inspirations from different centuries – here you can find everything from the meticulous Baroque style inspired by the French Royal gardens to the quaint English style from the 1700’s with picturesque ponds, bridges and waterways.
The most scenic way to get to Drottningholm is through Lake Mäkaren with a classic archipelago ship from the early 1900’s, which departs from Klara Mälarstrand.