We guarantee that you get the best deal / price when booking through our website stromma.com.
Should you find a better deal for one of our products somewhere else, just send us the proof and we will reimburse you the price difference. Follow the instructions below to claim your refund.
- Your booking must have been made through Stromma.com for a tour in Sweden.
- The lower price must apply to the same date, same departure time, and same number of guests.
- The guarantee applies to our regular consumer rates, which means that special promotions are excluded.
- You can claim the best price guarantee within a month after making your online reservation.
- To verify your claim, we must be able to find the better price on the website where you originally found it. We therefore ask you to attach the URL along with a screenshot of the website where you found the lower price.
It’s easy!
- Email the documentation you have gathered as well as your booking reference to booking@stromma.se
- We will process your claim and get back to you as soon as a decision has been made.
- If all is correct, we will refund the difference between the two prices within one month.
© 2025 Strömma Turism & Sjöfart AB | Svensksundsvägen 19, SE-111 49 STOCKHOLM | Strömma Turism & Sjöfart is part of Stromma Group