; Corporate Governance at Stromma Group | stromma.com

Corporate Governance

Stromma's Corporate Governance

Whistleblowing – Speak Up

Stromma is encouraging employees to speak up about suspected wrongdoing as soon as possible. We are committed to ensuring that our employees can raise their concerns assured and confident these will be taken seriously, investigated fully and that those who report are protected against any form of retaliation.


Our whistleblowing system is an external reporting channel administrated by PWC. It provides employees, current as well as former, stakeholders and others with a confidential, safe, easily accessible, and uniform way of raising concerns.


The whistleblowing system should only be use when regular internal channels of communication are exhausted, in graver cases such as breach of law, or when internal channels are unavailable, inappropriate, or compromised.


Reporting can be done verbally or in writing, in local languages and with an option of full anonymity. All reports received through the whistleblower system are treated as strictly confidential and will be assessed by PWC and turned over to the responsible function within the Stromma organisation or to the relevant authorities.


For questions to our whistleblower scheme, please contact Group HR Manager, Berit Jebjerg at: berit.jebjerg@stromma.dk.


Code of Conduct

Stromma's history dates back to 1809 and today we are the largest provider of experiences in the Nordics delivering on our mission “Memories for Life”. Our continued success is rooted in our values, and a strong commitment to conducting business with focus on ethics, integrity, fairness, and respect.


Stromma Business Ethics & Code of Conduct is built on our mission and values. Our Code of Conduct explains what we stand for and what is expected from us as a company and as individuals in order to make the right decisions.


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