; Press | Stromma.com

Group Directors & Managers


Patric Sjöberg
Phone: +46 (0)8-1200 4104 
E-mail: patric.sjoberg[at]stromma.se

Björn Hamberg
Phone: +46 (0)8-1200 4158
E-mail: bjorn.hamberg[at]stromma.se

Marketing- & Sales Director
Marie Johansson
Phone: +46 (0)8 1200 4081 
E-mail: marie.johansson[at]stromma.se

Business Unit Director Sweden
Peter Henricson
Phone: +46 (0)8-1200 4206
E-mail: peter.henricson[at]stromma.se

Business Unit Director Netherlands
Carola Hoekstra
E-mail: carola.hoekstra[at]stromma.nl

Business Unit Director Denmark
Mads V. Olesen
Phone: (+45) 32 96 30 00
E-mail: mvo[at]stromma.dk

Business Unit Director Finland
Peter Kåla
Phone: (+35)8 9 2288 1206
E-mail: peter.kala[at]stromma.fi

Business Unit Director Norway
Ole Madland
E-mail: ole.madland[at]stromma.no

Press contacts 

Stromma Group: Marie Johansson, Communcation, Marketing & Sales
Stromma Group: Patric Sjöberg, CEO Stromma Group

Sweden: Peter Henrikson, Business Unit Director
Netherlands: Carola Hoekstra, Business Unit Director 
Denmark: Mads V Olesen, Business Unit Director
Finland: Peter Kåla, Business Unit Director
Norway: Ole Madland, Business Unit Director

Press trips
Sweden: Cecilia Sandberg, Marketing Manager
Netherlands: Constant Broeren, Marketing Communication
Denmark: Mette Anker Wandahl, Sales & Marketing Director

Stromma's inhouse graphic design

Newsroom (In Swedish)
For further information, please visit  Stromma's newsroom

Press releases
See our press releases (SWE)


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